One of the hardest things to do is find new Keywords and ASIN targets for your Sponsored Ads campaigns. The HarvestBot is a new type of automation we’ve designed to do that. Unlike other Keyword discovery tools, ours is powered by Amazon’s own A9 engine. We’ve discovered one of the best places to find new keywords for Amazon, is on Amazon.
How it works
There are over a dozen types of campaigns that will generate new Keyword/ASIN targets, so the first thing the HarvestBot does is create a collection of them. For example, if you are selling a toy robot HarvestBot will create a campaign for Keywords – Phrase match, and add the phrase TOY ROBOT. This is a seed word we’ll use to harvest new search terms and keyword possibilities.
(The full list of seed words is a combination both of your historical data for this product, as well as the recommended keywords from Amazon.)
There’s no point in “identifying” the phrase TOY ROBOT or bidding on it, since we already know about it. So we’ll negative exact match that phrase, and every other phrase we’ve already added to this campaign.
Every day after that, we’ll analyse the search term reports to see what Amazon discovered based on our seed words. From TOY ROBOT the HarvestBot might discover some new possibilities in the search term reports for the next day:
toy robot for kids, best toy robot, toy robot that won’t eat pets
This is where things get interesting. HarvestBot will now bid on those new phrase matches, but also negative exact match them in the same campaign, since we don’t need to discover those anymore either. This means that tomorrow we might get results like best toy robot for kids under five, christmas best toy robot, toy robot that won’t eat pets it was terrifying.
In addition, HarvestBot will then take all of those new search terms and search for them on Amazon.
By doing this, HB can now find the top ten of your competitors that are ranking for that specific keyword. But HarvestBot isn’t done yet.
For each of those top ten competitors, HarvestBot will find a ton of valuable information: the price, the SalesRank (BSR), Average Rating, Number of Views, even the date the product was first listed on Amazon!
This way HB can then generate a competitive overview for each and every discovered Keyword. This means, at a glance, you can see the average price, average rank, etc, and see if your product is competitive with that specific Keyword.
With the average product age you can also see if this search term is dominated by a bunch of entrenched existing players in the space.
At the beginning of every week, you’ll receive an email with some of the best opportunities for you to target, as well as a CSV/XLS you can use to then import and analyse the data for your own strategy/implementation.
You could absolutely do this yourself manually, of course, but it would probably take hours, upon hours, every day. And it only takes one new profitable Keyword to generate thousands of dollars in additional revenue, so we highly recommend you try out…
One response
Sounds awesome, can’t wait to try this out!