So I asked a number of people what is the thing they spend the MOST time on that they wish they didn’t, and the answer was UNIVERSAL.

Thinking about Coronavirus.

It was then that I realized that I should narrow the question down and I asked again, what is the PPC RELATED thing that you wish you could spend less time on. (I got much more actionable answers and learned a valuable lesson in conversational specificity)

One of the most common answers was “MAKING CAMPAIGNS”, which led to our first launch of the Campaign Deployment tool, which after a bit of beta testing and feedback led to so many great additions:

Can I use my own name structure? 

Can I pre-specify bid strategy?

What about placement modifiers? 

Can it automatically sort by parent asin? Of course.

What about by child asin?
Can you see the pattern? Of course it can.

Okay smart ass what if I wanted a different Auto campaign for 5 ASINs but each of those Auto Campaigns needs to have four different adgroups, one for each of the auto targeting types, can it do that? 

In 8 clicks. And five of those clicks are picking the ASINs.

Yes, you can do all of that and more in the Campaign Deployment Tool 1.1

Sure, it needs a fancy name but I’m rubbish at names. 

Imagine something that sounds awesome (“Meta” 🤣) but not in that tacky “amazon fba naming culture” way where people turn everything into like sharks with lasers and a fake trademark thing that you absolutely know they haven’t registered. 


If I was gonna name something it would NOT be awesome it’d be adorable, like “Mr. Mittens” or something. There’s too much ninja mega domination in the world as it is.

Version 1.1 works like this:

Lets pretend you have different “collections” of campaigns you run for different clients for different situations. We call those Deployments

Maybe a deployment is:
Four Auto Campaigns (one for each targeting type)
Three SP Keyword Campaigns, with different bid strategies.
Three SP Targeting Campaigns, with different placement modifiers.

Or maybe it’s just
One Auto Campaign with four different -adgroups- for each targeting type.

Or maybe you like to make a different campaign for every child ASIN, or maybe one campaign for all of them together.

Rather than having to tediously set those up in Seller Central every time you get a new client, you can set them up -once- in PPCProphet.

Then, each time you want to deploy those campaigns, just choose the Deployment, then the client. Whichever ASINs/SKUs you to create campaigns for, then LAUNCH.

That’s it.

PPCProphet will automatically create the campaigns, adgroups, and product ads, and those can be grouped (or separated) based however you’d like.

AND THERE’S MORE. In addition to being able to pre-configure things like bid strategies and placement modifiers, you can also configure your own naming structure, using short codes for things like ASIN, Platform, Match Type, etc etc.

Now this is a new launch so it’s technically still in BETA so there may be bumps and bruises along the way, but when it’s all done we expect this to save you a TON of time. It’s Sponsored Products for now, btw, SB and SD are incoming.

As always, let me know if you have questions, suggestions, or anything.


TLDR: You can set up different sets of campaigns (SP for now), and quickly generate them for clients. Just click client. asin. deploy. Done. Now [x] campaigns with your name structure/adgroups/match type/bid strategy/placement modifiers/etc all created. 3 clicks. NinjaMegaDominator5000.



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